Piano Life Saver System - Controlling Temperature and Humidity
Christine Guthrie Christine Guthrie

Piano Life Saver System - Controlling Temperature and Humidity

The Piano Life Saver System, also known as a humidity control system for pianos, is a device designed to help maintain stable humidity levels inside a piano. This system is installed within the piano and consists of several components, including a humidifier and a dehumidifier, as well as a control unit. Its primary purpose is to prevent the negative effects of fluctuations in humidity on a piano's structural components and tuning stability.

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What is Piano Voicing?
Ty Uphoff, RPT Ty Uphoff, RPT

What is Piano Voicing?

Voicing a piano is a process of adjusting and modifying the tonal quality of the instrument by working on several aspects of the pianos functionality, including action regulation, damper work, and most importantly, the quality and shaping of the hammers. The purpose of voicing is to achieve a specific and desirable tone, allowing the piano to produce a balanced, clear, and expressive sound. Voicing is typically done by a skilled piano technician or piano tuner and involves several key steps.

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Tuning and Musicality?
Christine Guthrie Christine Guthrie

Tuning and Musicality?

When you tune a piano, yes, you are listening to a pitch (or several pitches) but you’re more listening to how the sound is changing and behaving.

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Pitch vs. Tone
Erik Martin, RPT Erik Martin, RPT

Pitch vs. Tone

Pitch and tone are intertwined in a piano's sound, working together to create the unique character of each note. The pitch determines which note you hear, while the tone adds depth and color to that note. The balance between these two elements is essential for a pianist to convey emotion and expression in their music.

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Chasing the Piano Buzz
Ty Uphoff, RPT Ty Uphoff, RPT

Chasing the Piano Buzz

Buzzing and rattling sounds in your piano can be vexing, but they are usually solvable with the right approach. Regular maintenance and care, along with prompt attention to any unusual sounds, can help keep your piano in excellent playing condition and ensure that it continues to produce the beautiful music you love.

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Sticking Keys? Why Me?
Erik Martin, RPT Erik Martin, RPT

Sticking Keys? Why Me?

Sticking keys on a piano can be a frustrating issue for pianists, but it's a problem that can often be resolved with some basic maintenance or professional assistance. Regular cleaning, humidity control, and careful observation of your piano's condition are key to preventing and addressing sticky keys. By taking good care of your instrument, you can continue to enjoy the beautiful music it produces for years to come

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What is Piano Regulation?
Ty Uphoff, RPT Ty Uphoff, RPT

What is Piano Regulation?

Regulating your piano is an essential aspect of piano maintenance that involves adjusting and optimizing the various mechanical parts of the piano's action mechanism. This process ensures that your piano plays accurately, responsively, and with consistency across all keys.

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