Scholarship Application & Project Submission Questions
Who is this project being submitted for?
When did you complete your project?
Which State Do You Live In? *Limited to pianists who reside in Missouri or bordering states
Link to the video of my project. *We recommend uploading it to youtube as an 'unlisted video' and copying/pasting the link.
File Upload. *Video (.mp4, .avi, .avchd, .flv) only
Tell us how you first came up with this idea? *What triggered the thought, what inspired you to act, things like that....
What was exciting or made you nervous about this project? *How much time did you have to prepare? What parts of your project had you outside your comfort zone? What were you most unsure of?
Tell us about the music you chose? *If the music was part of your challenge be sure to talk about why you chose the pieces you did. Be sure to include title, arrangement, and any other relevant information about your piece.
Tell us about your audience. *Who was in the room? How many people attended? Did you know them personally or were they members of the public?
Who was your most meaningful audience member? *Tells us about that one person in the audience who you were acutely aware of. Why did this matter to you?
Tell us about someone significant who helped you with this project and/or encouraged you to keep going.
What was the most difficult part of this project?
Name (First & Last) - Project Participant
Name of Parent/Guardian if this project participant is under 18
Age of Project Participant
Who is your piano teacher or name of the piano program you are enrolled with?*All participants MUST be taking piano lessons from a Piano Teacher or be enrolled in a Piano Program.
How long have you been playing the piano?
Email, Phone, and Mailing Address
Certify the following:
that if I am awarded the scholarship, I will sign a video consent and release form.
that I am currently enrolled in a piano program or piano lessons.
that the recording I am submitting was performed this quarter according to the #ShowMePianoProject Scholarship Calendar.
that I agree to the terms and conditions of this scholarship program. Review Terms and Conditions: www.vanguardpianoservice.com/terms-and-conditions.